What do you get with a new electric car charger?

What do you get with a new electric car charger?

Everyone’s talking about carbon emissions and the need to reduce our reliance on fossil-fuelled vehicles. Switching to an electric vehicle (EV) is the next big thing, and if you own an electric or plug-in hybrid, charging at home is relatively easy.

… but what do you get with a new electric car charger? Below we look at the two brands we install for our customers around and their benefits.

Podpoint smart chargers

Podpoint offer one of the best home EV chargers and provide ‘smart’ systems that communicate via Wi-Fi. Similar to smart meters installed in the home for electricity, they give you more information about your energy usage so you can make better informed decisions.

A Podpoint home smart charger offers:

  • Energy usage reports
    Use the Podpoint app to monitor your energy usage and download them as .csv files for your laptop if needed. The report shows you how much energy has been used and how green your charging is (measured against real-world carbon intensity geCO2/km).
  • Software updates
    If Podpoint update their software to improve their service, the chargepoint can be updated directly, whenever required.
  • Diagnostic analysis
    Just like your car, there is always a chance your charger may experience a fault. Installing a smart charger enables Pod Point to identify and remedy most issues remotely, instead of you having to wait for an engineer to turn up and fix it.
  • Scheduling
    In future you will be able to pre-set the schedule of your chargepoint remotely via the app. This means it can be organised to match your driving needs and during off-peak hours when using a dual-rate EV electricity rate, saving you money on energy bills.

Rolec EV chargers

Rolec-EV charge points are widely regarded as some of the best around, and can be installed in residential properties or commercial premises.

The WallPod:EV Homesmart system comes in a variety of different colours and is available in 3.6kW and 7.2kW charging speeds, along with tethered and untethered versions. On average, drivers that use the ev.energy app see savings of around £150 per year.

Other benefits of using the WallPod: EV Homesmart include:

  • Easy charging
    After downloading the app from Apple Store or Google Play Store, EV drivers can recharge their vehicles directly through their smartphone. It offers complete control – from scheduling to boosting your charge.
  • Track your carbon footprint
    The ev.energy app provides detailed data on charging behaviour so you have better control over energy consumption and can enjoy long-term cost savings. So no matter where you are you can always track your vehicle’s carbon emissions.
  • Green rewards
    Using the Homesmart system and app offers rewards for your electric vehicle in the form of free Amazon vouchers.

Thinking of installing an electric charger?

AAC are expert designers and installers of electric car chargers for home and business owners. To find out more about our range of electric car charger services and to organise a free survey and quote, email info@aac.uk.net or call 01707 325 566.

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